
Welcome to my blog! I come here to share my thoughts and feelings about stumbling through life and motherhood with the twin Sheets (Colin and Sofia), my oldest daughter (Olivia) and my best friend and partner in parenting crime, Vincent.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Memorial Day 2010

I can't believe Memorial Day for 2010 has already come and gone! Even though most of my days are filled with a lot of nothing and I'm bored out of my skull, this year seems to be flying by! The twins' delivery date was exactly 14 days from yesterday! EEEEK! Things are starting to shape up now in preparation for their arrival but much still has to be done! But more about that later. Yesterday was a nice break from thinking about (for me, worrying about) all that.We cooked out, the kids swam, and we sweated it out like everyone else. The temperature topped out at 94 degrees! It was HOT! I couldn't be out long in the heat b/c I started to swell pretty badly. But I did get to see the kids swim for a bit which was fun. Natalie and Noah came over and brought a friend, Jordan, to play, too. Olivia had a blast.

Have goggles, will SWIM!

The goggles didn't last long!
Olivia and her cousin, Noah.

Well, I'd post more pictures but I haven't quite figured out how to do it the easy way. I need to investigate this more before I try it again b/c posting the 3 pictures above took about 30 minutes! Ugh! I hate it when stuff isn't user-friendly!

Anyway, we had a really good time yesterday. Thanks to Vincent for all his HARD WORK in getting things ready, setting up the pool, cooking, grilling, rushing to Petco for dog food. You are the best! We love you so much!

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