Welcome to my blog! I come here to share my thoughts and feelings about stumbling through life and motherhood with the twin Sheets (Colin and Sofia), my oldest daughter (Olivia) and my best friend and partner in parenting crime, Vincent.
Sunday, June 13, 2010
Giving thanks when it's due
Well, this is it....in a little more than 12 hours, the twins will be here. And I am officially freaking out! Reality has set in and it is overwhelming! First of all, my mom is sick. She has come down with a stomach bug and won't be able to be there tomorrow. Of course. That's how my luck runs. Besides my husband, she is the person I needed there with me most. Even at 35, I still need my momma. Secondly, Olivia was with her earlier today before the sickness hit so now I'm worried out of my mind that Olivia is going to be sick and I won't be there to take care of her.
And speaking of Olivia, I'm having some MAJOR mommy guilt right now. These new babies are going to totally rock her world and I'm not so sure she's going to adjust easily to the transition. I feel really, really bad about that. It's dumb for me to feel that way. Plenty of people in the world have siblings and they have all survived. But Olivia is still practically just a baby herself. It's hard to reason with a 2 year old and to get them to understand that there is enough love in your heart for her and 2 others. She left earlier tonight with my sister to spend the night and I started bawling when she left. Just kept thinking that the next time she walks in this house, she is going to be a big sister and will have to share the spotlight that has belonged solely to her for 27 months.
I'm also getting nervous about the surgery tomorrow. My first experience with a Csection was less than enjoyable. I spoke with my anesthesiologist earlier this evening. I get the choice of having an epidural or a spinal block tomorrow. So I get to chew on that tonight and decide what I want to do.
So....lots of things for me to think about tonight. But on to the real reason for my entry. Thanks....I have lots of things to be thankful for. God has given me so many blessings in my life--my wonderful husband, beautiful daughter, a roof over our heads, the fact that Vincent and I are gainfully employed despite this rough economy.....and most recently, these two little miracles I'm carrying right now. Without God, this pregnancy would not have been possible. His had has been involved in this before I even knew I wanted it. If it had not been for Him, I never would have met my sweet friend, Shanda, who recommended I see Dr. Barnett who is the best infertility doctor ever! I never would have been blessed twice with healthy pregnancies and after tomorrow, three beautiful children. Thank you, God, for all your many, many blessings. Please help me to always remember how blessed we are and that all good things come from you.
Secondly, I want to thank our parents for their constant love and support. They are always there when we need them, no questions asked. But I specifically want to thank my mom. She moved up here 5 years ago and what a blessing she has been to us these last 9 months! Words will never be able to let you know what you mean to this family and to me. I could not have gotten through this pregnancy without you!
And lastly, I need to thank Vincent. He's the best husband and partner in life that I ever could have hoped for. Thank you for all your love and patience these last 9 months. How I ever got so lucky as to have you in my life I'll never know. But I'm so glad that I did. You are the epitome of what it means to be a best friend and good husband. I love you so very, very much!
Well, I'm going to sign off now. Still need to finish packing. And I need to TRY to get some sleep but somehow I don't think that's gonna happen.
And speaking of Olivia, I'm having some MAJOR mommy guilt right now. These new babies are going to totally rock her world and I'm not so sure she's going to adjust easily to the transition. I feel really, really bad about that. It's dumb for me to feel that way. Plenty of people in the world have siblings and they have all survived. But Olivia is still practically just a baby herself. It's hard to reason with a 2 year old and to get them to understand that there is enough love in your heart for her and 2 others. She left earlier tonight with my sister to spend the night and I started bawling when she left. Just kept thinking that the next time she walks in this house, she is going to be a big sister and will have to share the spotlight that has belonged solely to her for 27 months.
I'm also getting nervous about the surgery tomorrow. My first experience with a Csection was less than enjoyable. I spoke with my anesthesiologist earlier this evening. I get the choice of having an epidural or a spinal block tomorrow. So I get to chew on that tonight and decide what I want to do.
So....lots of things for me to think about tonight. But on to the real reason for my entry. Thanks....I have lots of things to be thankful for. God has given me so many blessings in my life--my wonderful husband, beautiful daughter, a roof over our heads, the fact that Vincent and I are gainfully employed despite this rough economy.....and most recently, these two little miracles I'm carrying right now. Without God, this pregnancy would not have been possible. His had has been involved in this before I even knew I wanted it. If it had not been for Him, I never would have met my sweet friend, Shanda, who recommended I see Dr. Barnett who is the best infertility doctor ever! I never would have been blessed twice with healthy pregnancies and after tomorrow, three beautiful children. Thank you, God, for all your many, many blessings. Please help me to always remember how blessed we are and that all good things come from you.
Secondly, I want to thank our parents for their constant love and support. They are always there when we need them, no questions asked. But I specifically want to thank my mom. She moved up here 5 years ago and what a blessing she has been to us these last 9 months! Words will never be able to let you know what you mean to this family and to me. I could not have gotten through this pregnancy without you!
And lastly, I need to thank Vincent. He's the best husband and partner in life that I ever could have hoped for. Thank you for all your love and patience these last 9 months. How I ever got so lucky as to have you in my life I'll never know. But I'm so glad that I did. You are the epitome of what it means to be a best friend and good husband. I love you so very, very much!
Well, I'm going to sign off now. Still need to finish packing. And I need to TRY to get some sleep but somehow I don't think that's gonna happen.
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Hey baby! What's your name??
With the official baby countdown at 6 days, I'm really getting concerned that we don't have names picked out yet. Some people don't believe me when I say we haven't come up with anything yet but it's the honest truth. Choosing just the right name is something I take very seriously and coming up with just THE right name is difficult. It has to be the perfect combination of cool, unique--but not so unique that the kid is labeled a freak, and ageless/timeless meaning that the kid could carry that name for his/her entire life and it still work.
Vincent and I have finally whittled down my long list of names to a short, workable list. But we still can't seem to agree on anything. Anyone that knows me well knows that I am a HUGE movie buff. And anything I have ever named in my adult life--pets and child included--have somehow been associated with my favorite movies:
*my dog Roxie--named after Roxie Hart from "Chicago"
*my dog Red--named after Red from "The Shawshank Redemption"
*most importantly, my beautiful daughter Olivia Carol--named after Celie's daughter, Olivia, from "The Color Purple" and Carol comes from the name of my precious Godmother, Carol Dyess (Aunt Puddie), that we lost 6 years ago.
I could go on but you get the idea. I'm sure this naming trend will continue with the twins, too, as a majority of the names on our list have special movie ties. And I want them to be names that are special to me in some way. My name--Allison Lynn--holds no special meaning and I don't like that. In fact, my middle name was basically an afterthought--one that was chosen b/c my mom had to come up with something before she left the hospital with me. Not cool and not going to be that way for my kids. I want them to know their names were specifically chosen for them for a special reason.
I'm also against choosing names that are really popular or trendy right now. I was one of 7 Allison's that I knew growing up. So I want our kids' names to be unique. Of course I say that and I think Olivia is the #4 most popular girls' name right now. Ugh! I really struggled with that when naming her b/c I had always wanted to use that name for a girl but by the time she came along, it had really increased in popularity. But I went with it anyway b/c she just was an Olivia and it's a beautiful name and it just fits her. And I have to admit that some of the names on our list are pretty popular right now which is why I can't commit to them 100%.
As hard as this process is, Vincent has not made it any easier. For months he'd shoot down all of my suggestions without coming up with any good ones of his own. GRRR! But now all of the sudden, like within the last two weeks, he'll tell me he likes a name that just a few months ago he vetoed. So I don't know what that's all about. But I guess I shouldn't question it and just take him at his word. Maybe he's just getting desperate b/c I threatened him that if I had these babies and no names had been chosen, he was to lose all naming privileges and I would get to name them all by myself! Mean, I know, but whatever works, right?
So we have 6 days to come up with something. And when we do, we will not be telling anyone what the names are until they are born. Nor are we telling anyone the names that are currently on our list. Early on in the pregnancy, I got tired of hearing everyone's HSO's (hot sports opinions) on names I like so I just quit telling people. So everyone will just have to be surprised....perhaps including the twins' parents! Ha!
Vincent and I have finally whittled down my long list of names to a short, workable list. But we still can't seem to agree on anything. Anyone that knows me well knows that I am a HUGE movie buff. And anything I have ever named in my adult life--pets and child included--have somehow been associated with my favorite movies:
*my dog Roxie--named after Roxie Hart from "Chicago"
*my dog Red--named after Red from "The Shawshank Redemption"
*most importantly, my beautiful daughter Olivia Carol--named after Celie's daughter, Olivia, from "The Color Purple" and Carol comes from the name of my precious Godmother, Carol Dyess (Aunt Puddie), that we lost 6 years ago.
I could go on but you get the idea. I'm sure this naming trend will continue with the twins, too, as a majority of the names on our list have special movie ties. And I want them to be names that are special to me in some way. My name--Allison Lynn--holds no special meaning and I don't like that. In fact, my middle name was basically an afterthought--one that was chosen b/c my mom had to come up with something before she left the hospital with me. Not cool and not going to be that way for my kids. I want them to know their names were specifically chosen for them for a special reason.
I'm also against choosing names that are really popular or trendy right now. I was one of 7 Allison's that I knew growing up. So I want our kids' names to be unique. Of course I say that and I think Olivia is the #4 most popular girls' name right now. Ugh! I really struggled with that when naming her b/c I had always wanted to use that name for a girl but by the time she came along, it had really increased in popularity. But I went with it anyway b/c she just was an Olivia and it's a beautiful name and it just fits her. And I have to admit that some of the names on our list are pretty popular right now which is why I can't commit to them 100%.
As hard as this process is, Vincent has not made it any easier. For months he'd shoot down all of my suggestions without coming up with any good ones of his own. GRRR! But now all of the sudden, like within the last two weeks, he'll tell me he likes a name that just a few months ago he vetoed. So I don't know what that's all about. But I guess I shouldn't question it and just take him at his word. Maybe he's just getting desperate b/c I threatened him that if I had these babies and no names had been chosen, he was to lose all naming privileges and I would get to name them all by myself! Mean, I know, but whatever works, right?
So we have 6 days to come up with something. And when we do, we will not be telling anyone what the names are until they are born. Nor are we telling anyone the names that are currently on our list. Early on in the pregnancy, I got tired of hearing everyone's HSO's (hot sports opinions) on names I like so I just quit telling people. So everyone will just have to be surprised....perhaps including the twins' parents! Ha!
Monday, June 7, 2010
Nursery Pics
T minus 7 days and counting!
Well assuming all goes according to plan, the twins will be here in one week! I can't believe that I will have not one, but two, little ones in the house again. I've gotten so used to Olivia being pretty independent that I have to admit I'm a little scared of having true BABIES in my care again. I'm sure it's just like riding a bike.....at least that's what I'm counting on. For their sakes! Ha! I mean physically, I'm more than ready for this ride to be OVER! Mentally, though, I'm kinda freaking out! I have all these "what ifs" running through my mind....what if I can't hack it? what if Olivia resents us for bringing home these two babies and our relationship with her is forever changed? what if my body doesn't ever recover from this? Okay that's vain, I know, but if you saw what I saw every day, you'd be worried about it, too! Seriously. Anyway, I'm sure all these feelings are normal but I still don't like it! I just want to be Supermom even though I know she doesn't really exist.
Vincent worked hard all weekend to get all the baby gear out and set up--car seats, swings, bouncy seats, etc. Seeing it all sitting here is so surreal. I try to imagine each one and what they'll look like but they're still pretty much faceless. I unpacked some newborn diapers this weekend and put them in the changing table and couldn't believe how SMALL they are! How quickly you forget.
The nursery is pretty much finished which is to say all the basic essentials are in and ready for some babies. I still have some decorating to do but that will come later. For now, it's as finished as it's going to be before they get here. I will post pics soon.
Vincent worked hard all weekend to get all the baby gear out and set up--car seats, swings, bouncy seats, etc. Seeing it all sitting here is so surreal. I try to imagine each one and what they'll look like but they're still pretty much faceless. I unpacked some newborn diapers this weekend and put them in the changing table and couldn't believe how SMALL they are! How quickly you forget.
The nursery is pretty much finished which is to say all the basic essentials are in and ready for some babies. I still have some decorating to do but that will come later. For now, it's as finished as it's going to be before they get here. I will post pics soon.
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Memorial Day 2010
I can't believe Memorial Day for 2010 has already come and gone! Even though most of my days are filled with a lot of nothing and I'm bored out of my skull, this year seems to be flying by! The twins' delivery date was exactly 14 days from yesterday! EEEEK! Things are starting to shape up now in preparation for their arrival but much still has to be done! But more about that later. Yesterday was a nice break from thinking about (for me, worrying about) all that.We cooked out, the kids swam, and we sweated it out like everyone else. The temperature topped out at 94 degrees! It was HOT! I couldn't be out long in the heat b/c I started to swell pretty badly. But I did get to see the kids swim for a bit which was fun. Natalie and Noah came over and brought a friend, Jordan, to play, too. Olivia had a blast.

The goggles didn't last long!
Olivia and her cousin, Noah.

Have goggles, will SWIM!

The goggles didn't last long!

Olivia and her cousin, Noah.

Well, I'd post more pictures but I haven't quite figured out how to do it the easy way. I need to investigate this more before I try it again b/c posting the 3 pictures above took about 30 minutes! Ugh! I hate it when stuff isn't user-friendly!
Anyway, we had a really good time yesterday. Thanks to Vincent for all his HARD WORK in getting things ready, setting up the pool, cooking, grilling, rushing to Petco for dog food. You are the best! We love you so much!
Anyway, we had a really good time yesterday. Thanks to Vincent for all his HARD WORK in getting things ready, setting up the pool, cooking, grilling, rushing to Petco for dog food. You are the best! We love you so much!
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