Miss Olivia started ballet/tap combo class a couple of weeks ago. This is her second year at the same studio. Her teachers tell me she's an excellent student--always listening and always tries her best!
Olivia and her teacher, Ms. Arrica |
Ready for class |
Butterfly day |
I hope I can eventually figure out how to post video clips on here because I have some cute ones of her doing some ballet and tap combinations and practicing her leaps.
I really hope Olivia grows to love dance as much as I did (and still do). I didn't get involved in dance until I was 15 years old--a geriatric in terms of dancing. So I really only learned the basics and never advanced any further. And my passion for it waaaay exceeded my abilities. I knew it, too. I danced with girls that were light years ahead of me in terms of technique. But I still danced because I loved it so much. My dream still to this day is to be a dancer/performer on Broadway. But that ship sailed many, many, MANY moons ago, not that I ever had a real shot at it in the first place.
Now my dream is modified. I would love to see Olivia become the dancer I never could be. I'm so glad we're able to put her in lessons now when she's still a child. I hope that her teachers can encourage her, help her develop her talent and foster in her that love of dance that still lives in my heart. But as much as I'd like to see her fulfill my dream (and yes, I know it's MY dream), I know my job as a parent is to help her discover her own dreams and realize them. And that's exactly what I intend to do. God has a purpose for her in this world--one that is unique to her. And my ULTIMATE dream for her is that through God, she discovers what that purpose is and she lives for it, breathes it and owns it every day of her life. What a joy that will be! And if it just happens to be dance, then even better! :)
I hate to admit it, but for her sake, I'm glad she got her dance skills from you!