One morning I was feeding the kids breakfast and I peeled a banana for them. I cut it in half for them to share. I put one half on Colin's tray which he immediately grabbed and stuffed in his mouth. But when I tried to give the other half to Sofia, she resisted. I looked at her, raised my eyebrows and said, "No?" The only response I got was a super-angry frown complete with pouty bottom lip. That's not like her. She usually gobbles up bananas.
"Okay, she doesn't want it. She must be full now", I thought. So I put the other half on her brother's tray thinking he'd gladly finish it off. As soon as I did that, Sofia looked at me, obviously offended, pointed at it and said "I want 'nana!!!"
Sorry, sweet girl! I must have misunderstood that bottom lip! So I tried to hand her the same peeled banana half I had offered before. Again, I got the angry face but this time she also shook her head emphatically to tell me NO! And she pointed to the bunch of bananas on the counter and cried out, her voice like a screechy grackle bird, "I want 'nana!"
Finally I got it! She didn't want a peeled banana half. She wanted HER OWN banana, partially peeled, that she could hold herself and eat like a "big girl". Frustrated, I said to her, "Ugh, Sofia! Why isn't THIS banana good enough for you? It's the SAME THING!"
But it wasn't what she thought she wanted. And it made me think of how many times in my life I have done the same thing with God. He offers me a blessing, but it's not exactly what I want--or THINK I want--and I dig my heels in and tell Him it's not good enough. I want it the way I want it or I don't want it at all. I can think back on several times in my life where I did this. Sometimes I didn't realize I was doing it. Sometimes I just ignored the blessing or misinterpreted it. Other times I was just oblivious. But there were several instances where I fought Him tooth and nail to force things to be the way I wanted them to be. His plan was not good enough. And because I refused to see things His way or even entertain the thought that He may be right and I might be wrong, I paid a huge emotional price for it. But unlike the frustrated parent that I know I can be when my kids are obstinate, God's patience and faithfulness was constant. He gently nudged me along helping me find my way and held my hand as I stumbled down a path that I was trying to forge for myself. He still helps me make good of my life today despite all the poor choices I've made along the way.
Going forward, I know that I'll continue to mess up and make mistakes as I go through life. But going forward I plan to be on the lookout for God's blessings and receive them ALL with an open heart and open mind.
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