
Welcome to my blog! I come here to share my thoughts and feelings about stumbling through life and motherhood with the twin Sheets (Colin and Sofia), my oldest daughter (Olivia) and my best friend and partner in parenting crime, Vincent.

Friday, November 16, 2012

Five Minute Friday--Stay


Staying put can sometimes be a good thing.  But when you're talking about making serious life changes, staying where you are can rarely happen.

I am almost 38 years old and I'm reexamining my life as a Christian.  Studying more.  Learning more.  Praying more.  I'm trying to change some very old, not so attractive habits and character flaws in myself.  It's hard.  Change is hard.  It can be scary.  Especially when you're talking about getting yourself out of a rut.  It's tempting to just stay in this place.  Be the same old Allison I've always been.  But I realize more and more that it didn't really get me anywhere spiritually.  It's time to move on.  Move up.  Face the challenges of being more Christ-like.  And the joys.

The most important thing now is for me to stay in God's presence as much as I can.  Fully realize His presence.


Here's the scoop on Five Minute Friday from Lisa Jo herself:

Five Minute Friday

We write for five minutes flat. All on the same prompt that I post here at 1 minute past midnight EST ever Friday. And we connect on Twitter with the hashtag#FiveMinuteFriday
No extreme editing; no worrying about perfect grammar, font, or punctuation.
Unscripted. Unedited. Real.
It started because I’d been thinking about writing and how often our perfectionism gets in the way of our words. And I figured, why not take 5 minutes and see what comes out: not a perfect post, not a profound post, just five minutes of focused writing.
So now on Fridays a group of people who love to throw caution to the wind and just write without worrying if it’s just right gather to share what five minutes buys them. Just five minutes.

Friday, November 9, 2012

Five Minute Friday--Quiet


Today has been one of those days.  The day that every mom dreads.  Too many missed details, too many tears, too many shrieking screams from the backseat, too much disappointment.

Quiet is all I want right now.

No phones ringing
No kids whining
No cartoons blaring in the background
No babies crying
No cheesie kid music
No dogs barking
No kids fighting

I just need silence so I can hear God's voice right now.  That's all I need.  His quiet reassurance that all is going to be okay....that I am a good mom.....that's he's right here with me today, hands on my shoulders, giving me a loving pep talk.

SHHHHHHHH.........I'm listening, God!


Here's the scoop on Five Minute Friday from Lisa Jo herself:

Five Minute Friday

We write for five minutes flat. All on the same prompt that I post here at 1 minute past midnight EST ever Friday. And we connect on Twitter with the hashtag#FiveMinuteFriday
No extreme editing; no worrying about perfect grammar, font, or punctuation.
Unscripted. Unedited. Real.
It started because I’d been thinking about writing and how often our perfectionism gets in the way of our words. And I figured, why not take 5 minutes and see what comes out: not a perfect post, not a profound post, just five minutes of focused writing.
So now on Fridays a group of people who love to throw caution to the wind and just write without worrying if it’s just right gather to share what five minutes buys them. Just five minutes.

Monday, November 5, 2012

I think I'm having a mom-life crisis

Before I became a full-time mom, I worked for a major retailer in the corporate office.  I worked there for 13 years.  It was my first "real" job.  My only "real" job.  You know, the kind where you work a consistent 40 hour week, get benefits, an office--or in my case, a cubicle, and have a steady pay check.  Well, the last few years there were not good.  My coworkers--girls I consider to be good friends--and I were victims of very poor management.  While  I can't speak for all of those girls, I feel pretty confident they'd agree with me that our professional lives were a joke.  I was miserable, depressed, and I allowed that place and the situation turn me into a bitter young woman whose outlook on life and people was cynical to say the least.

After the twins came along, the stress of trying to balance the care of three little ones under the age of 3 and that life-sucking job was too much and I quit.  In February of next year it will be two years since I said good-bye to the working world and hello to full-time motherhood.

Today I heard from one of my dearest friends that still works for that company.  There have been many changes in the department where I worked since I left and my friend has faced them all with tenacity and patience.  Last week she finally received a much-deserved and long overdue promotion.  I truly could not be happier for her.  I know firsthand all the junk and the mess and the frustrations she's dealt with up to this point and I admire her perseverance.

But her good news has left me wondering, what am I doing?  Seriously, WHAT AM I DOING?  I think about her and I envy the fact that she still has this piece of her life that's just for her.  This piece is hers to build on, shape, change, whatever she wants.  When you're a stay-at-home mom, nothing is just yours.  You share and you sacrifice everything--your time, your privacy, your looks, your relationships, your sanity, your confidence.  In essence, it can also be a life-sucking job.  And somehow I feel like I'm being left behind.

I don't mean to complain.  This was my choice.  But I feel like I'm at another crossroads in my life.  What am I doing?  I know working in a corporate setting isn't for me.  And I know I need more to my life than just being a mom.  And after the morning I had with the twins, I'm not so sure I'm very good at being "mom" anyway.

Sometimes I overwhelm myself thinking about all the various things I COULD do.  My mind gets so clouded with different ideas it's like trying to look for the bottom of a muddy puddle--impossible to see for all the dirt and matter floating around.  It's maddening and in the meantime, my wheels are spinning as I change diapers, wash dirty hands, kiss boo-boos, play referee, chauffeur, maid, chef.  Oh yeah, and playing wife is somewhere in there, too.  And so while life seems to be going on around me in fast-forward, I never. go. anywhere.

Then the self-doubt creeps in and I wonder if I'm cut out for anything other than the multitasking I do to make others' lives a little easier.  But I feel like there's got to be something for me.  I don't think God would have given me the fire in my belly to find it if there wasn't.  It's just that the search is so frustrating.  It's hard to believe that at almost 38 years old, I'm still struggling to figure out who I am.  GRRRR!

But in the midst of my mom-life crisis, I'm just going to continue to pray that whatever "it" is for me will be revealed and that I won't be too clueless or busy to realize it.

Friday, November 2, 2012

Halloween and whatnot

This week has been a crazy week for the Sheets family.   I haven't even looked at my blog since last Friday!

It all started with Vincent getting sick.  He had what we can only assume was a stomach bug.  Tuesday night of last week he started feeling bad.  And for the next five days he was SICK!  Made several trips to the doctor for blood work.  He missed 3 days of work.  And for Vincent, that's saying something.  The man never misses work.  So you know when he does, it's serious.  Finally by Monday of this week he started feeling like himself again.  He went back to work a skinnier man--10 pounds down but a very hard way to come by it.

Then of course this week was all about Halloween.  For weeks I stressed over costumes for the kids.  Every year I try to come up with a cute theme for all of them.  Two years ago, Olivia was Cat in the Hat and the twins were Thing 1 and Thing 2.  Then last year Olivia was Dorothy, Colin was the Tin Man and Fia was Glinda the Good Witch.  But each year it's been increasingly more difficult to come up with a suitable theme that incorporates two girls and boy.  There are tons of things I could have done if I had one girl and two boys.  But alas, I don't.  So I finally decided to have Olivia go as Olivia--not herself but Olivia the pig, the cartoon/storybook character.  The twins went as characters from Yo Gabba Gabba--DJ Lance and Foofa.  And I finally came up with a theme for them, pitiful as it was:  Nick Jr. characters.  So sad.  But it worked and everyone loved their costumes.  DJ Lance was an especially big hit around the neighborhood!

DJ Lance says "Halloween is AWESOOOOOOME!"

My sweet little Foofa--she's pink and happy.

Can't believe they actually held hands

Nick Jr. triple threat!

I co-hosted Olivia's class Halloween party this year.  It was a lot of fun!  I hosted with another mom from her class.  We made it very low-key and even found some ideas of Pinterest for snacks and party favors!  That's about as Martha Stewart as I'll get all year.  But it turned out very cute and the kids had fun!  I was proud!

Olivia as Olivia the pig in the FIC Halloween parade.  She's the second Olivia in the line!  

Her 2012-2013 class and wonderful teacher, Mrs. Liles

Olivia and Daddy

It's a tradition every year in our house for Vincent and I to watch the classic slasher flick, Halloween, on Halloween.  Michael Myers' brutal murders of teenage babysitters brings a special kind of magic to Halloween that no other movie can.  The hideous 70's fashion, sub-par script, raw quality and haunting score are all little gems that add to the movie's low-budget charm.  It's definitely one of our all-time favorites and is on my list of scariest movies of all time.  Well, I had to carry on the tradition alone this year.  I watched the movie Halloween afternoon while the kids were sleeping and Vincent was at work.  It was awesome--even if it was "edited for time and content" since it was on a network station.

Then of course we had trick-or-treating that night for the kids.  This was the first year the twins walked it and they did so well.  They both walked almost the entire way.  We went pretty far, too, and their little legs never quit.  Seeing the grim reaper on the street didn't even phase them.  Well, maybe just a little.  It did me, too.  By the end of the night, candy buckets were brimming with candy.  

Halloween is such a grand time!  It's the holiday that ushers in the fall season.  It marks the beginning of the countdown to Christmas.  You get to dress up and you get pounds and pounds of free candy!   Scaring each other is the order of the day!  It's just FUN!  I think it will always be one of my favorite holidays!  I'm already thinking about costumes for next year!  That and making out the kids' Christmas lists.  

Five Minute Friday--Roots


When I first think of roots, I think about pulling weeds in my yard.  Why is it that the roots of weeds grow so deep?  Pulling them up seems impossible.  They twist and snap as I tug and yank and pull with all my might.  The dirt flies everywhere.

My children have planted the same kind of roots in my heart.  Impossible to remove.  But my children are not weeds.  They are the sweetest, most tender flowers of my soul.  I'm thankful that roots are strong.  I'm thankful that the rich soil of life is there to nurture them.  To make them strong.  The basis of my family tree.  One that will branch out into eternity.


Here's the scoop on Five Minute Friday from Lisa Jo herself:

Five Minute Friday

We write for five minutes flat. All on the same prompt that I post here at 1 minute past midnight EST ever Friday. And we connect on Twitter with the hashtag#FiveMinuteFriday
No extreme editing; no worrying about perfect grammar, font, or punctuation.
Unscripted. Unedited. Real.
It started because I’d been thinking about writing and how often our perfectionism gets in the way of our words. And I figured, why not take 5 minutes and see what comes out: not a perfect post, not a profound post, just five minutes of focused writing.
So now on Fridays a group of people who love to throw caution to the wind and just write without worrying if it’s just right gather to share what five minutes buys them. Just five minutes.